This course is designed to bridge the gap between the RYA Level 2 Powerboat course and the RYA Advanced Powerboat course. The course aims to teach you to take the powerboat beyond just line of sight destinations and as such you will learn more about both traditional and modern navigational techniques including the use of GPS and chart plotters. You will spend time working on passage planning and pilotage skills which you will put into practice by completing a slightly longer coastal trip. The course will also work on improving the basic boat handling skills you acquired during Level 2 including some time spent considering handling slightly rougher conditions. Having successfully completed this course you will be confident to take a powerboat on slightly longer and more demanding trips and manoeuvre it in tighter confines.
Please call us for latest availability. If you would like own boat tuition to complete this course please feel free to call us to discuss the options
0900 until 1700 each day.
Wet weather gear, RYA Start Power Boating book G48 and tea and coffee.
After spending a season putting the skills learnt on this course into practice you should consider attending the RYA Advanced Powerboat Course.
This course is run on demand by Mendez Marine. Please call the office for latest availability. If you would like own boat tuition to complete this course please feel free to call us to discuss the options
Duration: 2 days.
Previous Experience Required: RYA Powerboat Level 2, knowledge to Day Skipper theory and a recommendation of RYA First Aid and a SRC/VHF Licence
Course Overview: This course is designed to give you the skills and confidence to undertake coastal trips in daylight and settled weather conditions
Please note: This course is run by Mendez Marine not Hamble School of Yachting
Cost: £340